Untitled (White Sands, New Mexico)

16:50 minute HD Video, 2013
Shot in White Sands New Mexico, I walk a circular path through a sand storm as the camera slowly pans with me, creating an endless loop within a undefined field.

Production Image, 2013

Untitled (White Sands)

Untitled (White Sands, New Mexico)

16:50 minute HD Video, 2013
Shot in White Sands New Mexico, I walk a circular path through a sand storm as the camera slowly pans with me, creating an endless loop within a undefined field.

Production Image, 2013

Untitled (White Sands)

Untitled (White Sands, New Mexico)

16:50 minute HD Video, 2013
Shot in White Sands New Mexico, I walk a circular path through a sand storm as the camera slowly pans with me, creating an endless loop within a undefined field.

Production Image, 2013